sébastien faye research and technology associate, ex-web entrepreneur ⌂ publications projects and initiatives research on sensor networks intelligent transportation systems sensing systems distributed systems creative achievements swipe – sensing system human mobility profiling lust scenario lust-lte road/wsn topology analysis tapioca about me bio curriculum vitae twitter feed photography entrepreneurship [2009-2015] open welcome i am research and technology associate at luxembourg institute of science and technology (list, itis department ). my research interests focus on sensor networks and can be decomposed into three complementary topics: intelligent transportation , sensing and distributed systems recent publications ( full list ) c. feltus, a. imeri, s. faye, g. arnould, and d. khadraoui, “promaas – mobility as a service for professionals,” in 2018 conference on sustainable urban mobility (csum) , skiathos island, greece, 2018. | bibtex citation @inproceedings{cf-csum-18, address = {skiathos island, greece}, author = {christophe feltus and adnan imeri and s{\'e}bastien faye and g{\'e}rald arnould and djamel khadraoui}, booktitle = {2018 conference on sustainable urban mobility (csum)}, days = 25, month = may, title = {promaas - mobility as a service for professionals}, year = 2018} s. faye, s. jafarnejad, j. costamagna, g. castignani, and t. engel, “poster: characterizing driving behaviors through a car simulation platform,” in 2017 ieee vehicular networking conference (vnc) (ieee vnc 2017) , torino, italy, 2017. | bibtex citation @inproceedings{sf-vnc-17-poster, address = {torino, italy}, author = {s{\'e}bastien faye and sasan jafarnejad and juan costamagna and german castignani and thomas engel}, booktitle = {2017 ieee vehicular networking conference (vnc) (ieee vnc 2017)}, days = 26, month = nov, title = {poster: characterizing driving behaviors through a car simulation platform}, year = 2017} s. faye, g. cantelmo, i. tahirou, t. derrmann, f. viti, and t. engel, “demo: mamba: a platform for personalised multimodal trip planning,” in 2017 ieee vehicular networking conference (vnc) (ieee vnc 2017) , torino, italy, 2017. | bibtex citation @inproceedings{sf-vnc-17-demo, address = {torino, italy}, author = {s{\'e}bastien faye and guido cantelmo and ibrahim tahirou and thierry derrmann and francesco viti and thomas engel}, booktitle = {2017 ieee vehicular networking conference (vnc) (ieee vnc 2017)}, days = 26, month = nov, title = {demo: {mamba:} a platform for personalised multimodal trip planning}, year = 2017} s. faye, n. louveton, s. jafarnejad, r. kryvchenko, and t. engel, “an open dataset for human activity analysis using smart devices,” 2017. | paper | bibtex citation @techreport{sf-hal-17, title = {{an open dataset for human activity analysis using smart devices}}, author = {faye, s{\'e}bastien and louveton, nicolas and jafarnejad, sasan and kryvchenko, roman and engel, thomas}, url = {}, note = {working paper}, year = {2017}, month = aug, pdf = {}, hal_id = {hal-01586802}, hal_version = {v1}, } w. bronzi, s. faye, r. frank, and t. engel, “characterizing driving environments through bluetooth discovery,” in international conference on information and communications technology convergence 2017 (ictc 2017) , jeju island, korea, 2017. | bibtex citation @inproceedings{wb-ictc-17, address = {jeju island, korea}, author = {walter bronzi and s{\'e}bastien faye and raphael frank and thomas engel}, booktitle = {international conference on information and communications technology convergence 2017 (ictc 2017)}, month = oct, title = {characterizing driving environments through bluetooth discovery}, year = 2017} research november 2017 conference paper , creative achievement simulation , smart cities mamba: a platform for personalised multimodal trip planning in recent years, multimodal transportation has become a challenging approach to route planning. most existing planning systems usually rely on data sourced from different organisations, enabling the user to select a limited number of routing strategies. as part of the mamba project, developed in luxembourg until 2017, we have been interested in the potential benefits […] read more november 2017 conference paper sensing systems , simulation characterizing driving behaviors through a car simulation platform human mobility has opened up to many themes in recent years. human behavior and how a driver might react to certain situations, whether dangerous (e.g. an accident) or simply part of the evolution of new technologies (e.g. autonomous driving), leaves many avenues to be explored. although experiments have been deployed in real situations, it remains […] read more august 2017 non classé activity detection , mobile and wearable computing , sensing systems , smartglasses , wearable computing an open dataset for human activity analysis using smart devices the study of human mobility and activities has opened up to an incredible number of studies in the past, most of which included the use of sensors distributed on the body of the subject. more recently, the use of smart devices has been particularly relevant because they are already everywhere and they come with accurate […] read more august 2017 conference paper distributed systems , mobile and wearable computing , sensing systems , smart cities , wearable computing , wireless sensor networks characterizing driving environments through bluetooth discovery within the world of wireless technologies, bluetooth has recently been at the forefront of innovation. it is becoming increasingly relevant for vehicles to become aware of their surroundings. therefore, having knowledge of nearby bluetooth devices, both inside and outside other vehicles, can provide the listening vehicles with enough data to learn about their environment. in […] read more august 2017 journal paper activity detection , intelligent transportation systems , mobile and wearable computing , sensing systems , smart cities , wearable computing characterizing user mobility using mobile sensing systems recent technological advances and the ever-greater developments in sensing and computing continue to provide new ways of understanding our daily mobility. smart devices such as smartphones or smartwatches can, for instance, provide an enhanced user experience based on different sets of built-in sensors that follow every user action and identify its environment. monitoring solutions such […] read more contact mail : affiliation : luxembourg institute of science and technology (list). social : linkedin , twitter links researchgate academia google scholar microsoft academic twitter 10 hours ago sébastien faye @sebastienfaye personal comfort profiles for autonomous vehicles #autonomousdriving 10 hours ago sébastien faye @sebastienfaye rt @citymakingmath : driving a car 1km costs society 89 cents – but cycling the same distance benefits society by 26 cents. source: city of… 67 10 hours ago sébastien faye @sebastienfaye fifth night shot experiment (milky way, july 2017) #canon80d #canon #sigmaart #sigma #nightshot #nightphotography #astrophotography #astronomy #goodnight #space #milkyway 1 1 day ago sébastien faye @sebastienfaye rt @franzferrero : the 10th symposium "perspectives on the transformation of management and public organizations" will be held in #belval #l… 3 3 days ago sébastien faye @sebastienfaye glass phones are about to get really, really cool this website is proudly propulsed by wordpress / conference papers / journal papers / full publication list / contact